mercredi 18 mars 2015

Violent protests target the European Central Bank. Why?

Riots have erupted at the European Central Bank in Germany as protestors rage against an institution they blame for ruining the lives of millions in the eurozone.

The demonstration was organized by activist group Blockupy to coincide with the opening of the ECB's new $1.3 billion headquarters in Frankfurt. The protests turned violent, as thousands clashed with police in the German financial capital.

Around 350 people were arrested early Wednesday, according to police, and at least 7 police cars were set on fire.

So why take aim at Europe's central bank?

ecb protest bank

The ECB is a high-profile symbol of the austerity that has caused hardship for millions across the region. Together with the International Monetary Fund and European Commission, it forms the so-called "troika", which has been policing the bailouts that kept countries such as Greece, Ireland and Portugal afloat.

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Violent protests target the European Central Bank. Why?

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