dimanche 29 mars 2015

What time is it? And why clocks going forward is a total waste of time

In what will come as terrible news for fans of sleep, last night the clocks jumped forward an hour.

Good news for those working night shifts, for everyone else the start of BST (British Summer Time) at 1am has made that Sunday lie-in an hour less sweet.

If you woke up this morning wondering if your various devices have updated automatically, you can double check the current time here.

Why we keep up this confusing practice, first proposed as a joke by Benjamin Franklin in 1784 and originally instigated in the UK in 1916, seems to have been slightly lost to time.

Though admittedly the extra hour of sunlight in the evening can be delightful, it seems now that the practicalities of the change are in fact more damaging, and not just in their effects on fans of lie-ins, than they are beneficial.

Here are a few reasons why we should consider scrapping the whole thing:

Personal health

Studies have shown that there is a notable spikes in the occurrence of heart a

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What time is it? And why clocks going forward is a total waste of time

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