lundi 16 mars 2015

Treasury International Capital Data For January

The U.S. Department of the Treasury today released Treasury International Capital (TIC) data for January 2015. The next release, which will report on data for February 2015, is scheduled for April 15, 2015.

The sum total in January of all net foreign acquisitions of long-term securities, short-term U.S. securities, and banking flows was a monthly net TIC inflow of $88.3 billion. Of this, net foreign private inflows were $60.7 billion, and net foreign official inflows were $27.6 billion.

Foreign residents decreased their holdings of long-term U.S. securities in January; net sales were $39.8 billion. Net sales by private foreign investors were $27.8 billion, while net sales by foreign official institutions were $12.0 billion.

U.S. residents decreased their holdings of long-term foreign securities, with net sales of $12.6 billion.

Taking into account transactions in both foreign and U.S. securities, net foreign sales of long-term securities were $27.2 billion. After including adjustments, such as estimates of unrecorded principal payments to foreigners on U.S. asset-backed securities, overall net foreign sales of long-term securities are estimated to have been $39.3 billion in January.

Foreign residents decreased their holdings of U.S. Treasury bills by $10.8 billion. Foreign resident holdings of all dollar-denominated short-term U.S. securities and other custody liabilities decreased by $8.1 billion.

Banks' own net dollar-denominated liabilities to foreign residents increased by $135.7 billion.

Treasury International Capital Data For January

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