jeudi 19 mars 2015 's (free) 14 day journal challenge!

Sick of not knowing where your trading is going amiss or not sure how to improve your results with your trading system?

If so, I challenge you to not improve as a trader during a 14 day trial at my brand new site

Before I built it, I was sick of two things:

  1. The time it took to journal my trades.

  2. The fact that I wasn't learning anything from my trading journal.

So I built a trading journal that lets you log your trades in seconds and let's you determine exactly what setups are consistently profitable for you and exactly what setups are costing you money.

Let me explain to you how it works:

First, a quick hello:

Inserted Video

Next, how easy is it for you to log a trade?

Inserted Video

And last, but most definitely not least, why could tradejournal make all the difference to your trading?

Inserted Video

Interested in finding out your own strengths and weaknesses with a free 14 day trial? Great! Sign up at the homepage right here.

Any questions, suggestions or comments? Let me know below, I'd love to chat to you.

I hope you're doing awesome and I look forward to hearing from you.

Ben 's (free) 14 day journal challenge!

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