jeudi 26 mars 2015

Fortune Magazine says Mario Draghi is the world's second-best leader

According to Fortune Magazine, Mario Draghi is the second greatest leader in the world.

Apple CEO Tim Cook is #1. Taylor Swift is #6.

Writing for Fortune, former Federal Reserve chair Paul Volcker says of Draghi:

Mario Draghi, as president of the European Central Bank, surely has one of the toughest and most significant jobs in the world ... Draghi, drawing on long experience in both government and business, has moved to fill that void. Taking full advantage of the instruments available to the central bank and his personal powers of persuasion, he has carried out his own pledge to do "whatever it takes" to hold the eurozone together.

In January, Draghi and the ECB announced a long-awaited quantitative easing program aimed at jump-starting the eurozone economy, which had been facing declining growth and the growing specter of deflation.

Earlier this month, ECB QE officially began with the central bank buying $60 billion of covered bonds and asset-backed securities.

Business Insider's Mike Bird reported on Tuesday that after a gloomy end to 2014, things in Europe are actually looking up.

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Fortune Magazine says Mario Draghi is the world's second-best leader

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