dimanche 15 mars 2015

Financial Astrology Trading iphone iOS App - Moon Trading

Download our iOS app Today:

By searching "Eph Alarm" at the App Store

Ephemeris Alarm for your Stock Trading

Contemporary astrology tells us that Mercury Retrogrades are frequently associated with Weak Investment Climate for the Stock Market...

how good would it be if we can get an alert on our iPhone ONE day ahead of this Mercury retrograde and be able to trim down our position and be protected against the potential market drop?

Similarly, everyone has a different Planet Ruler which rules his financial life. And now, with this iOS app, you can import all the retrograde dates of your Personal Planet Ruler and act to protect your financial assets before your personal Planet Ruler become weak in supporting your financial growth. Be alerted, be forewarned and most importantly, be able to act and protect your capital before the storm comes.

Besides being forewarned of your personal, weak financial growth times (and be able to protect your capital), if you are trading with my astro theory introduced in this Financial Astrology website and looking for an TrineaspectTM set up, this app will tell you 5 minute to 2 days ahead of such set up and get you prepared for the trade.

This is a handy iOS app that you can set alarms on all the upcoming retrograde, new zodiac sign ingress, conjunction, square aspects, trine aspects, parallel on declination, maximum /minimum declination, on any or among any planets or Moon/ Sun/ Earth.

If you pay attention to moon a lot, you may also get an alert on every moon ingress, conjunction, square aspects, trine aspects, parallel on declination, maximum /minimum declination, all integrated in your apple calendar. This is a must-own app if you believe in astrology or reply on astrology for your stock trading. It also helps you live wiser in this New Age of Aquarius. below are three of the screen shots of this iOS app:

i) be automatically imported with the TrineaspectTM trade set up and other chosen astro phenomena of your interest in your apple calendar.

ii) get an alert 5min to 2 days ahead the concerned astro phenoma and get yourself ready for the according trade set up.

Download the app today and be immersed in the astrology world! (By searching "Eph Alarm" at the App Store)

**while the app will not provide our TrineaspectTM setup signal directly, purchasers of Volume I & II of our astro book can utilize this iOS app to properly generate the TrineaspectTM setup signals via this app.

**we will as well inform your Personal Planet Ruler upon you purchased of the iOS app. Just send us an email at the email address we provided in the app for that.

Download our iOS app Today:

By searching "Eph Alarm" at the App Store

Financial Astrology Trading iphone iOS App - Moon Trading

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