dimanche 15 mars 2015

EU: Grexident, or Time to Come Together?

The war vocabulary between Greece and Germany has a new expression: "Grexident." The new terminus technicus suggests an accidental series of events which could lead to Greece leaving the euro, as formulated by Germany's outspoken finance minister Wolfgang Schaeuble.

On Friday, after the week full of heated verbal exchanges between the two countries - rich Germany and poor Greece loaded only with a massive pile of debt, Schaeuble said that Greece's future was down to the Greek government "and since we do not know exactly what the authorities in Greece will do, we can not rule it (Grexident) out."

Of course, his words may have come in reaction to another outspoken official, Greece's striking finance minister Yanis Varoufakis saying in a TV interview that the ECB was pursuing policies that were asphyxiating to his government, while Greece's relations with certain EU members are also being choked.

Other German government officials were discussing whether Greece might be "amputated" from Europe like a "gangrenous limb", the Financial Times wrote.

Things became so heated, that the Greek ambassador in Berlin made an official protest late Tuesday to the German Foreign Ministry over comments made by Schaeuble, both Germany and Greece have confirmed.

Juncker takes a broom

Cooler heads have tried to calm down those pitched tones and tensions raising political adrenalin. A spokesman for German Chancellor Angela Merkel dismissed the idea of a feud with Greece on Friday. He reiterated that Merkel’s goal remains to keep Greece in the euro zone, and that responsibility for finding a solution to Greece’s problems rested with the euro zone as a whole.

"I neither see a private feud nor do I view the whole issue of Greece and how it solves its problems as a bilateral German-Greek topic," Steffen Seibert

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EU: Grexident, or Time to Come Together?

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