mercredi 1 avril 2015

Greek Debt for Dummies

€321 billion plus. That's approximately the amount of money at stake over which the Greek government is clashing with its other euro zone partners, with the next round of talks on an expert level - Euro Working Group (EWG) - scheduled for Wednesday afternoon. Greek debt has been steadily growing as the nation has been subjected to harsh austerity, with the nation seeing an unprecedented contraction in its economic output with all the consequences of such a downturn.

The negotiations between the Greek government and its creditors are taking place at a time when political tension is rising again in Greece.

Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras's speech and the parliamentary debate on Monday night ended in a decision by the Syriza parliamentary group to investigate the circumstances in which Greece’s two bailouts were signed. It should include the period from May 2010, when the first memorandum of understanding was signed with international lenders, up to this year.

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Greek Debt for Dummies

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