mardi 14 avril 2015

How Grumpy Cat makes her millions

Grumpy Cat has millions of social media followers, shots of her famous frown go viral, and fans clamor to catch a glimpse. Face it: Grumpy Cat is a celebrity, and guess what? She probably makes more money than you do!

Grumpy Cat is part of an elite group of furry animals around the globe who have shot to Internet fame in recent years. These fuzzy creatures sign book and movie deals, do photo shoots, and act as "spokesanimals" for ad campaigns -- netting piles of cash for their owners.

Experts say the phenomenon is made possible by the rise of social media, which is changing how we interact with lovably fuzzy creatures.

Social media "adds a personal connection, so if you're interested in a character like Grumpy Cat, then either people will send you more anecdotes or videos, or you can go and seek it out," said Karen North, a social media expert and professor at the University of Southern California.

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How Grumpy Cat makes her millions

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