dimanche 11 janvier 2015

EUR/USD Forecast Jan. 12-16 2015

EUR/USD continued the downfall into levels last seen in 2006 as 2015 came into full swing. Will we see a correction anytime soon? More inflation figures as well as the decision of the ECJ are among the big events of the week. Here is an outlook for the highlights of this week and an updated technical analysis for EUR/USD.

QE in the euro-zone seems imminent for the January 22nd meeting, after the euro-zone officially slipped into deflation. Oil prices were clearly to blame. Can the tick up in core prices help? Probably not. Worries about Greece and the tragic terror attack in Paris also weighed in, while the fall in German unemployment was shrugged off. In the US, things are looking OK, with 252K jobs gained in December, but the slip in wages is causing some worries.

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EUR/USD Forecast Jan. 12-16 2015

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