mercredi 14 janvier 2015

FBI raids Florida offices of firm with 'Wolf of Wall Street' link - witnesses

U.S. FBI agents on Wednesday raided the offices of Med-Care Diabetic & Medical Supplies Inc, a Florida medical device company whose executive vice president helped inspire the movie "The Wolf of Wall Street," according to two witnesses.

Dozens of agents from the FBI, Florida fraud department, and local police closed entrances to the building that houses Med-Care, and are removing boxes of files, one of the witnesses said.

Danny Porush is a top executive at Med-Care and inspired the character portrayed by actor Jonah Hill in "The Wolf of Wall Street," which told the story of defunct brokerage firm Stratton Oakmont Inc.

An FBI spokesman said the agency is conducting "law enforcement activity in the vicinity" when asked about witnesses' details, but declined further comment.

Attempts to reach Med-Care and Porush through a phone number listed online were not immediately successful.

FBI raids Florida offices of firm with 'Wolf of Wall Street' link - witnesses

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