vendredi 9 janvier 2015

Succinct Summations of Week’s Event’s 1/9/15

Succinct Summations week ending January 9th


1. The economy added 252k jobs in December.

2. The unemployment rate fell to 5.6%.

3. Revisions to the jobs report added 50k jobs to each of the prior past two months.

4. ADP’s December private payrolls rose by 241k, vs expectations of a 225k rise.

5. U.S. consumer confidence jumped to a seven-year high

6. Eurozone retail sales rose 0.6% m/o/m, better than the expected rise of just 0.2%.

7. German unemployment fell to 6.5%, the lowest level in almost twenty-five years.

8. Vehicle sales came in at 16.8mm SAAR, slightly lower than the 16.9mm expected but still strong and above the 12-month average.


1. Wages rose just 1.7% y/o/y, well below the 2.2% expected and the weakest readings since October 2012.

2. Average hourly earnings fell 0.2% m/o/m.

2. Factory orders fell 0.7% in November, vs the 0.5% expected decline.

3. December was the first time ever that all ten components of the ISM services report declined.

4. Markit service sector fell to a ten-month low, coming in at 53.3.

5. ISM non-manufacturing PM came in at 56.2, vs the 58 expected.

6. Initial jobless claims came in at 294k, slightly higher than expected.

7. The labor participation rate fell to 62.7%, levels not seen since 1977.

Succinct Summations of Week’s Event’s 1/9/15

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