samedi 28 février 2015

kopraTasa BasketTrading OlimpiaDB Seller9

I will try to be just as short as i can.

I found a very hard message in my inbox telling the guilty of Seller9 separation or Basket Trading EA and sort of pirate of "ideas"

Well.. before nothing sorry my english not my original language an also sometimes hard to "communicate well with people"

All started when I published my original Olimpia Dashboard about august or setember 2014 so.. kopratasa and "P" entered y my thread and they became interested in my "indicator" in that moment.. (I NEVER SAW and neither heard about baskettradingEA and seller9).. also I didnt had the concept (even today...about BasketTrading EA, i dont undertand..)..probably NEVER ENTERED IN THAT THREAD ..

The indicator Olimpia DASHboard.. been very very simple in the beggining... with stratagy multipair, mtf candles, a powerfull trend indicator..

refrerence :

After met online friends like "Kopra tasa and "P" we organized and decided to create a Facebook group to continue developt the dashboard..

Well.. in the facebook group I met all kind of friends.. but I did 2 important ones.. "KopraTasa" and "P" In that moment.. all was new for me.. also my coding skills was not a good as is today.. "P" was a better proggrammer/ he decide to add new innovations and ideas in the Olimpia DB..all was good..

In that moment.. "kopratasa" decided to share his "Earnings everyday pictures. using the seller9 basket trading EA.. also..telling us.. OlimpiaDB was the most important tool to use the baskettrading.. (PARTICULARLY HE NEVER TOLD US THE WAY.. OR WHEN TO USE basket traidn EA with OlimpiaDB"

All new innovations or EA were from "P" about some new macd , stoch.. etc

OlimpiaDb.. been better.. with "P" innovvations.. I started to understand better about coding......."P" skills were better than me in that moment.... so.. "P" decided to open his own version of the dashboard.. """ FANTASTIC""""" "P" helped me a lot.. but in a moment.. we worked..probably fOR ONE OR 2 MOnths togetner...... but.. I dont know. WHAT HAPPENED AFTER 2 MONTHS TOGETHERS...... . probably.. they believe the been "to important each other" (p" and kopra" ...... I that moment I been always very courious about coding ..excited about new innovation into OlimpiaDB..

TOday I see they been not honest with me.. and not having pacience with me.... ..... so.. "KopraTasa" and "P" decided to design they own version of the DAshboard.. without sharing with me more ideas.. and let me totally abbadoned..

Offcourse Kopratasa and "P" had ideas of strategies using the OlimpiaDB strategy.. but...They alone went "out" of the facebook group and sI stayed alone. from middle december last year!.

I ve been totally abbandoned.. . but original IDEA..was mine of introduce the dashboard.... the MTF and Multipair dashboard... called "OLIMPIA!.. .......I decided made commercial.. becouse.. my bad experience with those persone make me no trust in no one today.... ..also I spent lot time and effort to undertand about codding..... to try to do a good tool (for my own USE) .. .I had to learnt ALONE..all about forex strategies combinations and specially I became GREAT with coding..

Any of the the dashboard of what i published today have no relation with kopra tasas ideas or "P" ideas.. Actually I have probably hundred Ideas of indis combination and tradesetups to use in the dashboard.. MTF multipair manner... .....not neccesary kopras or "P" ideas.. I always using the "original BASE of MTF Mluitpair..dash"

"P" decided to quit in a silence way from the group.. he dditn say nothing.. he is too smart and enjoy a lot his codding skills ans forex knowledge.

"kopratasa" I dont know whats going on.. bcouse she showed everyday he was erning a lot money.. and if he found the way to be profitable.. I dont what else he wants to get better..?

Kopradecided to stay with "P".. Ive been abbandoned.. But.. much better for me.. I won lot of knowloedge and stuffs.. that Kopra neither "P" shared with me.. ANYWAY.-..actually I dont have the hollygraill..nobody have...

But what about talking Kopra. and another people about me.. in TradingBasketEA theread I really DONT UNDERTAND..i dont know.....

I DECIDED BEEN COMMERCIAL.. BECOUSE IM A WORKER,, need money .. I like coding.. Ilike Trade Forex..also i Like see my work works for other people...I

Just I know that Kopratasa decided open from my "Coding or trading skills" went with "P"..

I never understood the concept behind baskettradinEA thread.. ..I respect a lot,, I told that to Seller9 in a private mail.... .. but my dashboard indicator EA.. not relation concepts with basket trading.. no relation with kopras ideas or "P" ideas.. neither coding.. I FOUND THE WAY TO MAKE the indicator an "EA" .."P" never shared a code to convert into EA.. and "kopra" in the last says.. would be good an EA. but thats ALL..

If someone dont undertand sorry...

Sorry my bad english.. and Green pips to all! enjoy the Original Olimpia Dashboard! "many many many many" differents versions!

kopraTasa BasketTrading OlimpiaDB Seller9

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